Final Cut Pro constantly beachballing and hanging at nearly every action
I don't know if it is action-specific, mostly because it happens so frequently that I can't even get 3 or 4 simple cuts with the blade tool and it hangs, never coming out of it, I have to force quit. It has also happened while duplicating a project. What I've tried:
- I have deleted FCP entirely, including all caches, preferences, containers, and application support and did a fresh install.
- I have disconnected every USB drive except my FCP Library drive.
- I have verified with Blackmagic Speed Test that the drive is operating fine, and can easily handle the video I'm editing.
- I have plenty of disk space on both my internal drive and the external Library.
- I've scoured all locations for Google Keystone garbage, no traces I can find, and Chrome isn't installed.
- I've turned off background rendering in FCP
I could really use some suggestions. EtreCheck report attached.
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 15.1