iMovie Timeline Not Working
I have a video that's allegedly in the timeline but it isn't there. However, it plays in the viewer and I can't delete it out of my media. How can I get rid of it?
MacBook Air 13″
I have a video that's allegedly in the timeline but it isn't there. However, it plays in the viewer and I can't delete it out of my media. How can I get rid of it?
MacBook Air 13″
Be aware that if you delete the clip from the Project Media (Control-click/Delete Project Media) you will remove it from the iMovie Library and thus from every project that may be referring to it. In other words, you will permanently be removing the clip from the iMovie system. Unless you have the clip backed up somewhere outside of iMovie, you will permanently lose your source clip. In your case it looks like you have selected a clip that is 3 hours long, which is a major clip. Because you have selected it, it is playing in the project preview screen.
For information, any time one selects a clip by clicking on it in the Project Media, the clip will play in the Preview Screen whether or not there are any clips in the timeline.
My previous post explains why a clip in the project media browser is playing in the preview screen but does not appear in the timeline. To get rid of the display in the preview screen, move your cursor into the timeline.
-- Rich
Right-click (control-click) the clip in the Browser and select Delete from the dropdown menu.
It says it can't be deleted because its in use in the timeline
How does this help?
That wasn't the question. Why does it say there is 3:18:17 worth of video in the timeline when there is nothing in the timeline?
I don't know.
Try creating a new project and see if that cures it.
Also, try opening iMovie while holding down the option and command keys, and deleting preferences in the box that appears.
-- Rich
Also, try using the slider above and to the right of the timeline to expand out the timeline and see if there are any clips lurking there that might not be otherwise displayed.
-- Rich
iMovie Timeline Not Working