Anything that appears on this list needs immediate attention.
Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed that could be malicious and should be reviewed.
Automatic updates disabled - Automatic updates are disabled. This computer is at risk of malware infection.
Security updates disabled - Security updates are disabled. This computer is at risk of malware infection.
Apple security disabled - Apple security software is disabled. This computer is at risk of malware infection.
Disabling system security is not a good idea...
Also: you have a multitude of system extensions, kernel extensions, agents...
This mac has been upgraded in place for many years, and I am sure this is after transferring stuff from a previous mac. There are items in your setup that were built with the 10.8 SDK, so well over a decade ago.
xquartz, for example, is from 2012... and almost certainly that version does not work in a current OS.
You still have things like RealPlayer, DivX and Silverlight... all of which have been abandoned for several years.
To put it bluntly, your system is a mess of old stuff and new, many that you are surely not aware that you have, or what they were for.
I don't blame you... it is so easy to migrate to a new mac, and upgrade the OS every year.
The problem is cruft like this accumulates over time, and at some point will fail.
It may look like a chore but at this point you should consider:
1) a full backup or three
2) make a system install disk on a usb thumb drive
3) start from it, completely erase the internal, and install a fresh system
4) migrate from the backup, but ONLY the user accounts (*)
5) install the stuff you really use
(*) if in step 4 you were to check all the boxes, you'd just be back to square 1!