Driver’s License is a separate issue I’ll go over at the bottom.
Airlines tickets are now requiring greater security measures and are no longer backed up to iCloud. Airlines want more control of their tickets and will control them while they are in your Wallet app. You’ll add your tickets as I described in my prior post. If you have your airline’s mobile app and are logged into it, they will automatically popup when you approach the gate. You’ll also receive Notifications on the Lock Screen and tapping the notification will bring up the tickets ready for scanning.
Concert tickets, transit tickets and most other tickets operate similarly. Lower security it may need you to open your wallet or add something like Apple Cash, but don’t add any funds to it.
Drivers Licenses are different still. So far, only TSA recognizes them as a valid ID and only at about the 20 largest airports. Only 6 states currently support Apple Wallet and of those none, zero recognize them as a valid ID. Yes, this means you still have to carry your physical license.
Please review the information in the Apple Support documentation I linked below.
Use passes in Wallet on iPhone – Apple Support