Is there a formula for Numbers that when entered in one cell will fill a omplete table?
In the App Store (Mac) window, if one scrolls down a bit, there is an interesting article on Excel's "Magic Formulas". It shows how to use Excel's "dynamic array" capability to enter a single formula that results in a full table being filled. The specific formula is interesting but doesn't work in Numbers. I wondered if there is an equivalent Numbers' formula that would.
First, I'm not sure I understand what "dynamic array" means — maybe ranges that define or identify a block of cells? Second, it's entirely possible that Numbers doesn't support this particular functionality.
Is there an equivalent formula for Numbers?
Example: With numbers in cells B1 through J1 and in A2 through A15, "=B1:J1*A2:A15" will put the results of multiplying B1*A2, B1*A3, B1*A4 … J1*A13, J1*A14, J1*A15 in the appropriate cells. These are the 2 tables from Excel:
MacBook Pro (2017 – 2020)