My iTunes media folder keeps resetting to default. Please please help.
Writing this late on a Sunday evening.
I've been using iTunes since around 2005, I currently have it installed on an HP Envy laptop which is approx. 4 years old but in great condition. I have over 200,000 tracks stored on a Synology DS216play (version DSM 7.1) and have used this set-up since 2016 experiencing only a couple of minor problems. The Synology is
always connected to my laptop. I’m not a techie, I kind of battle through slowly if I hit issues and get confused if explanations are jargon heavy so if you can help, please keep it simple.
A week or so ago my laptop got crushed in the boot of a car and the screen broke. A local guy fixed it and it seems to be working fine. However, he also increased the memory (hard drive) and whilst my laptop is now as good as new, I’ve had to reload all of my programs…including iTunes. I’ve hit a serious problem playing
my music and have spent most of the weekend hunting online for help. Either I’m not understanding what I’m reading, or the suggestions just aren’t working.
It appears to be a common problem which is simply when I try to alter the folder location (in Advanced Preferences) from ‘C’ to my Synology (‘F’), it accepts the new location but still nothing plays. I can see every track I have but only about 1% of them change to ‘F’ and play, the majority have exclamation marks alongside them and still state file://localhost/C: in the file information. If I close iTunes then reopen it, the folder location reverts back to ‘C’.
I initially downloaded iTunes version 12.10.11 (64bit) but couldn’t get anywhere as the message: The file ‘iTunes Library.itl’ cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes. I have no idea what version I was running prior to the laptop being fixed. The current version I am having this issue with is
I have tried holding down the Shift key and double-clicking the iTunes icon but once I change the location and click ‘Open’ nothing happens. Some people online with this problem have reported that this works. Does it sound like I am missing a step? I have tried so many things, but nothing works. One suggestion was to delete the folder with my playlists and ratings in but that has taken me years to sort and I’m not sure it’ll work anyway. Please, any ideas would be appreciated.
Many thanks.