iPhone 6s security updates
Hi, I lost my phone so I'm using my old iPhone 6s again for the time being. I saw that it is still getting security updates (the latest was released earlier this month!).
Given that the device was released eight(!) years ago, that is a great record. Is there an end for security updates in sight? The last iPhone 6-relevant update was released on 2022-08-31, about 8 years after it was released, so it stands to reason that the iPhone 6s will soon receive its last update, correct?
And is a similarly long security update span to be expected for newer devices as well? (Of course no newer device than the iPhone 6s can already have a 8-year security update span, but if my research is right, at least the iPhone 6 was also already supported security update-wise for approx. 8 years (2014-2022, last security update on 2022-08-31).)