Is there something similar to Windows RDP for mac?
Hi Community,
I've used windows PC's with RDP for a long while. I've used Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac as well - and both work the same way.
Remotely I can have multiple monitors, and the display scales to the display I'm using.
I have Apple Remote Desktop to use a mac remotely, and while it works - it's nowhere near as clear as the Microsoft version.
For one - I've had to install a third-part app called "Better Display" in order to have the remote system scale correctly to the system I'm accessing it on. Windows RDP (and Microsoft Remote Desktop for mac) does this automatically.
I'm running a Mac Studio remotely without a display for reference.
With the Microsoft RDP I can check a box to "use all monitors" which utilizes multiple monitors if you have multiple monitors. Yet I can't see to find that option in the Apple version. It seems like the Apple version only scales to whatever the remote computer has connected.
From my experience using a Mac remotely seems clunky and more like I'm using MSRA (Microsoft Remote Assistance) on a windows PC.
Is there a way I can setup remote access on a Mac that acts like RDP for Windows? Where I have a separate login session open that then auto-scales the display resolution to what I'm using?
Mac Studio (2022)