Lawrence, I will repeat my post for you in a way that might help you understand.
I acknowledged I have shared Calendars on my iPhone.
You Said, " you shared calendars. But now you are complaining that calendars are shared."
Actually, That is not even close to what I posted.
If you know how calendars work on iPhones, you know it is up to the user to select which calendar they want to see on the calendar view and get notifications on, no matter how many shared calendars they have shared. You do not have to view EVERY shared calendar you have access to.
I keep (2) TWO calendars selected to show up on my calendar and get notifications on.
However, without any human touch, my iPhone randomly selects other calendars, and when this happens, my calendar gets clogged showing appointments from as many as 6-7 different people and my phone sends me notifications all during the day and night of other shared calendars that I DID NOT SELECT.
I keep shared calendars on my phone so when I want to schedule an appointment with one of my key employees I can select their calendar and see when they have an opening in their schedule BUT I dont want to see their schedules mixed into mine unless I SELECT TO SEE THEM.
So that is what my issue is, exactly like I said in my original post and this has been a known issue for the past 9-Years, based on a post here, BUT Apple has not addressed it. Then helpers, users and experts in the Community like yourself reply without reading the issue and have snarky replies.