BUG! SMB Spotlight Shared Volume Not Working!
I report this serious BUG that afflicts MACOS starting from the Big Sur version which forced the sharing of volumes via SMB protocol.
With the introduction of macOS Big Sur, it is no longer possible to share volumes with the AFP protocol, but only with SMB.
Now with SMB, spotlighting of files on shared volumes is impossible. This is extremely frustrating.
AFP Spotlight worked perfectly in searching for files on volumes shared by other Mac stations !.
As a company, the file search tool is essential and must work on volumes shared by Mac computers that use the same operating system.
I ask you to resolve this problem as soon as possible, I am not the only person who complains about this problem.
Small businesses cannot afford system engineers to be able to make ad hoc programs to search for their files on their servers.
I have installed elastichserch in our server to make the search work, this solution is not for everyone.
Mac mini 2018 or later