Cancel of subscription within an hour
Will I be charged if I cancel the subscription within an hour. I used a wrong card to pay and I checked that I successfully canceled it in subscription. Thank you
iPhone X
Will I be charged if I cancel the subscription within an hour. I used a wrong card to pay and I checked that I successfully canceled it in subscription. Thank you
iPhone X
Yes, unless you were within a free trial period with at least 24 hours remaining on it.
To ask for a refund, use this link to contact the iTunes Store staff, or if you got an email receipt, use the 'Report a Problem' link in it.
Yes, unless you were within a free trial period with at least 24 hours remaining on it.
To ask for a refund, use this link to contact the iTunes Store staff, or if you got an email receipt, use the 'Report a Problem' link in it.
Cancel of subscription within an hour