Motion 5 360 project
Motion 5 titles skew inside my 360 project FCPX when I try to move the position of them, how can I publish titles without this issue?
Motion 5 titles skew inside my 360 project FCPX when I try to move the position of them, how can I publish titles without this issue?
Some titles are made for 360 projects, and some aren't.
If you are creating a 360 title, you should choose the appropriate settings in Motion:
If you already have a Title, select the project layer and adjust the settings in the Inspector:
Thank you Luis, my motion titles are set-up as 5760x2880 monoscopic. I'm looking for a work flow where I can drop in multiple labels in my FCPX project, import and move them around in FCPX using the x and y position without the actual labels skewing. Thanks.
I realised by checking the 4k box under properties in Motion, it all works fine. Thank you.
Whether I set my motion titles up in 4k or 5k, the result is still the same. I cannot move them well inside FCPX. Pics attached. The last image shows how they should look. Thanks for your patience.
It seems that your titles are in an appropriate format for the project.
What do you mean by "without the actual labels skewing"?
Great! Thanks for coming back with the solution.
Motion 5 360 project