I can't update to 10.15.4.
When it asks me to reboot the system (after downloading), it doesn't update and does a normal system restart.
MacBook Pro 13", macOS 10.15
When it asks me to reboot the system (after downloading), it doesn't update and does a normal system restart.
MacBook Pro 13", macOS 10.15
Hmmm. There is no 12.15.3 version of macOS. Did you mean 10.15.3? I would start by suggesting that you repair the drive:
Repair the Drive for El Capitan or Later
Now, try re-running the update. If you still have a problem, then Download and Install the macOS Catalina 10.15.4 Combo Update.
In the future: I grasp that you are Italian but I cannot always figure out what is in the dialogs. An interpretation would be helpful for any important terms I might need to know. I'm mono-lingual. Thanks. Oh, I did get this one.
Hmmm. There is no 12.15.3 version of macOS. Did you mean 10.15.3? I would start by suggesting that you repair the drive:
Repair the Drive for El Capitan or Later
Now, try re-running the update. If you still have a problem, then Download and Install the macOS Catalina 10.15.4 Combo Update.
In the future: I grasp that you are Italian but I cannot always figure out what is in the dialogs. An interpretation would be helpful for any important terms I might need to know. I'm mono-lingual. Thanks. Oh, I did get this one.
Get Correct Storage Information
Do not use the information from the Storage section of the About This Mac dialog. Ignore the Storage information as it is typically wrong. To find out the correct information for any disk: Select a Desktop disk icon. Press Command-I to open the Get Info window and look at the topmost panel displayed. You will find the disk information displayed for Capacity, Available, and Used. If you have more than one disk/partition then repeat for each one on your Desktop.
The categories found in the Storage section of About This Mac is simply an arbitrary way of displaying files on your drive. There are no such categories actually on the drive.
If you only had 8GBs of free space to update macOS, then you are quite a few GBs short. You should have at least 15-30GBs free space to upgrade or update macOS. No wonder you were having a problem.
The update is already downloaded. When i choose to reboot (see image) to install the update, the pc reboot, but instead of installing the update, it makes me the classic restart. So when I get back to the desktop it still requires me to reboot to install the update.
If I check the version of my operating system it keeps giving me 10.15.3.
The drive repair doesn't work. After finishing the repair, restarting and trying to install the update, nothing has changed.
But a very strange thing happened. Since I wrote the post here on the site I had 8GB of free space on the main disk. After the various attempts I made, I tried to download the Combo Update; are 4GB of downloads. The download did not even start because in a few hours without downloading anything I found myself only 4GB free. How is it possible? It is normal that I went from 8GB to 4GB free without doing anything? Is it normal for my operating system to reach 88GB? (see photo)
I'm going crazy.. uff
Uh sorry, I meant 10.15.3. I then edited the post above.
Tomorrow I try to do this drive repair. If it doesn't work I try with the Combo Update.
Sorry for the image. I'm italian. However it would be the software update screen on the mac settings.
The combo updater is usually the quickest and safest way to update. If available I will use it over the System/Software Update preference pane method.
After downloading the updater exactly what happened and what did you do? Did you run the updater?
I happen to know that dialog pretty well, so not a problem. Thanks for understanding.
I solved my problem. Mainly it was a matter of memory. I found that there were 18GB of temporary files in Library/Cache directory. I cleaned and managed to update.
Thanks to all.
I can't update to 10.15.4.