MacBook Mid 2014, Mojave. Freezes.
Struggling with some strange behavior on why MPB mid 2014.
I recently replaced the battery and it had been running rock solid. About 5 days ago I was watching a YouTube video and the MBP completely froze. No movement of cursor. Had to do a force restart.
Since that time, every time I restart it things look to be running okay for about 5 minutes. Opening an app, doing some keyboard presses etc cause it to freeze. If I wait long enough it will usually power down on it's own. No peripherals attached. I've reset the SMC. Tried it with the power adapt. I've run Apple Diagnostics with no issues reported. I've run Etrecheck. No reported issues. I've confirmed the fans are working as well.
Yesterday I wiped the drive and reinstalled Mojave. It ran for 24 hours with four windows of youtube videos running and a half dozen apps running - including iTunes.
Everything was fine until I sat down and did some key presses, open some windows etc. beachball and then a freeze.
Any thoughts...?