How do you change your podcast description?
How do you change your podcast description?
How do you change the podcast graphic?
How do you change your podcast description?
How do you change the podcast graphic?
You change both in the same place you originally entered them in whatever method you are using to create your feed, and then re-pubblish (upload) the feed. When you change the image make sure to give it a different file name from what is already there, or the Store - which caches the image - has no way of knowing it's changed. Once done it can taqke soe days for the image to update.
You change both in the same place you originally entered them in whatever method you are using to create your feed, and then re-pubblish (upload) the feed. When you change the image make sure to give it a different file name from what is already there, or the Store - which caches the image - has no way of knowing it's changed. Once done it can taqke soe days for the image to update.
How do you change your podcast description?