Voicemail showing full
My voicemail is saying it is full, but I have absolutely no voicemails saved or in my deleted box. What do I do?
iPhone XR, iOS 12
My voicemail is saying it is full, but I have absolutely no voicemails saved or in my deleted box. What do I do?
iPhone XR, iOS 12
Check with your carrier. They determine the size and content of the voicemailbox. They may need to reset it. If you are using Verizon, they have reported an issue like this with the release of iOS 12.3. Seems there is a way to do it yourself with the keypad, but I don't remember the key sequence, since I'm not a Verizon customer. You can try a search here, but I believe the easiest would be to call Verizon.
Check with your carrier. They determine the size and content of the voicemailbox. They may need to reset it. If you are using Verizon, they have reported an issue like this with the release of iOS 12.3. Seems there is a way to do it yourself with the keypad, but I don't remember the key sequence, since I'm not a Verizon customer. You can try a search here, but I believe the easiest would be to call Verizon.
Voicemail showing full