It's interesting you mentioned Speck. They used to make really good products but their quality has diminished, and I no longer recommend them.
You have to be really circumspect regarding Amazon reviews. They are a good place to start, but then you have to consider the fact some are fakes planted by sellers, paid shills, bots, or all the above. Amazon tries to preserve the integrity of their reviews but it's not perfect. For example if you write a positive review it gets published right away. If you write a critical one, at best there will be a long wait before it gets published, if it ever does. Then some negative reviews are negative because the item arrived late, or similarly dumb reasons.
I recently purchased a product from Amazon that gets absolutely horrible reviews. The product itself is fantastic. Lots of one star reviews, and astonishingly zero five star reviews. Why? The printed instructions that came with it contain an obvious glaring error that made the product very challenging to configure, until you realize the instructions were flat out wrong. What's worse is that those erroneous instructions were printed in unbelievably small text. It was "frequently returned" only because people couldn't figure it out. A phenomenal product, doomed by a piece of paper.
I took the liberty of rewriting and simplifying those instructions, increased the text size by about 500%, uploaded it as a PDF to a public hosting site, and wrote a review explaining all that. Amazon rejected it.