Part of photo library is suddenly gone!
Hi all,
I was in my Photos app last night on my iMac and noticed that for some reason, all my photos after November of 2019 are gone.
I have no idea how that happened. The last time I opened the app (earlier last week) they were all there. I restored no backups. I did delete some files off the same external drive I keep the photo library on, but the folder where that library lives wasn't affected (Users>myname>Photo library). Earlier yesterday I did a test reboot from my external drive but that uses the external drive as a boot, right? It doesn't change anything on the hard drive? I checked the photo library my program is accessing and it's from 2019, but the modified date is 2019, so it's not like it's my photo library from 2025 that got modified. And I don't see a photo library from any date more recent than that anywhere on my external drive.
I'm running a third-party data recovery program to see if I can get any of my photos back, but I'm flummoxed as to how this happened. Does anybody have any ideas? I could accept if I accidentally deleted my more recent photo library, but does the photo library automatically link to an older version if it can't find the current library?
iMac 21.5″, macOS 10.14