Phishing email possible problem
I woke up from a nap this afternoon and while half awake checked my email with my iPhone. I had an email that I thought was from my wife. I clicked on the link in the email as I wasn't yet awake. It opened a page in chrome with little to nothing on it. I checked the email and realized it wasn't my wife's email address. They had her name in it.
I deleted my recent data (month) from the browser and changed my passwords from my macbook. Now, I'm seeing that my ATT internet service has blocked the following page from opening several (dozens) times this afternoon.
Do I need to reset my iPhone to factory or clear ALL data from Chrome/Safari? It is an iPhone 16 Pro Max and the software is up to date.
Thank you for any help or suggestions. I cannot believe I did something so stupid!
[Edited by Moderator]
iPhone 16 Pro Max, iOS 18