Synchronizing clips not working

Hi everybody,

I make documentaries and for that I often have to sync different video clips and audio files for interviews. Normally I've been able to select multiple files (both video and audio) and FCPx will layer them up as best it can. Sometimes I've gotten a few errors (everything stacked on top of each other) but mostly it works fine and this is with long interviews (1h long or more). It has always been very fast for it to process!

Now, however, I'm trying to do the same but it keeps being stuck at this stage (see attachment 1). Since this issue has come up, I've had to cancel the synchronization every time because it's just stuck forever. FCPx doesn't freeze exactly but it's again stuck at the "canceling synchronization" step (see attachment 2) so I've had to force quit the app.

I'm not sure what to do.. I've recently started filming on Sony cams instead of Black Magic, could the different type of files have an impact on this? I've tried doing it with multiple files at once and only one audio and one video file and the outcome is the same. I tried updating FCPx. I tried restarting the computer. I haven't tried reinstalling FCPx just yet since I have everything set up with all my plugins, shortcuts etc and I'd rather not redo it if not necessary.

Does anybody have any fix for this or any ideas what could cause it? I tried searching the forum but everything looks out of date. I would really appreciate your help!

I'm running FCPx 11.00.01 on a Apple M2 Pro (Sonoma 14.7.4). Thanks so much!!

Attachment 1:

Attachment 2:

MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 14.7

Posted on Mar 23, 2025 11:10 AM

10 replies
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Mar 24, 2025 8:01 AM in response to IdaFCPx

The clips must be labeled in the Inspector before trying to sync them in a multicam clip. For a good tutorial, go to Youtube and search on this (no quotes): How to Edit Multicam Footage in FCP The ULTIMATE Guide

Another trick is if you even roughly know where the sync point is (even within +/- 60 seconds), put a marker on that point of the clip in the Even Browser (M key), before you try creating the multicam. Even though you sync on audio, it will give more attention on the region around the marker point.

To facilitate this, have View>Skimming, View>Clip Skimming and View>Audio Skimming enabled.

If there are some difficult clips or angles that won't sync, you can temporarily omit those when you create the multicam. Once you have the main (non-problematic) angles synced, you can add an angle within the MC and sync specific clips from that angle to a monitoring angle you designate. If it won't successfully sync to one monitoring angle, select another monitoring angle and re-try the sync. See attached.


Mar 25, 2025 1:03 AM in response to joema

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it! In the end, I made a new library and imported the files into it instead of leaving them in their location and that seems to have done it! Now both multicam and sync clips work! Will watch this multicam video anyways though, for some good tips. Thanks again!

Edit: It only worked once, now I'm back to having the same issue. It just gets stuck at this stage every time. 😭


Mar 23, 2025 11:29 AM in response to IdaFCPx

It could be something with the different clips, or it could be an issue with FCP.

It is worth a try to do what we always do when the application is not working correctly: delete preferences.

To delete preferences, hold down command and option while starting the application and click Delete Custom Settings. The application will start with default settings and open an "Untitled" library. Adjust the settings, reopen the library you were working, and see how it works now.

ALSO: if you are using several video files (e.g. from more than one camera recording the interview) you should make a multicam clip, not a synchronized clip. The latter is meant for one video and multiple audios.


Mar 23, 2025 11:41 AM in response to Luis Sequeira1

Hi Luis, first of all: thanks so much for your help and quick reply!

I tried doing the multicam clip earlier but I had the same issue, it's just stuck for some reason. I have interview setups from different angles, which warrants the multicam setting, but I also have a bunch of b-roll footage spread out "over" the whole audio file if that makes sense.. Do you know if it's still beneficial to use multicam for that scenario? Basically I just mic them up in the beginning, record a long audio file and then I've used the "sync files" so make sure all my various clips line up when editing.

Anyways, I will try deleting preferences now and see if it has an impact! Thanks!!


Mar 23, 2025 12:14 PM in response to IdaFCPx

It may work, and at least it is a painless thing to trash FCP and download a new copy; but I would not put much hope in it.

How long are the clips that you are trying to sync? How much free space on your system drive, and media drive?

And how is the drive containing your media formatted?

For a more complete picture: Please run Etrecheck and post its full report here. Use the "additional text" button and paste the report into the text box.


Mar 23, 2025 12:40 PM in response to IdaFCPx

What are the respective frame rates of the two clips? If they are different and if one (or both) of them is a fractional frame rate, have you tried enclosing the clip that doesn't match the project settings in a Compound Clip? Or applying "Automatic Speed" to it? (These two actions force conforming clips to the project settings). An alternative might be to Transcode Media(s) to Optimized. FCP deals better with ProRes.


Mar 24, 2025 4:54 AM in response to Luis Sequeira1

I've tried clips of varying lengths - most are 30-120sec or so. My main interviews are probably 60-90min long but the ones I've been trying to sync now are shorter clips that I need for another type of video.

I have 200GB free space on my Mac and I have 250GB on the SSD drive where I have the footage and project. The SSD drive is formatted in APFS.

Normally I import the footage into my FCPx library but this time I left it in place, could that make an impact?

Let me have a look at Etrecheck, I've never used it before.


Mar 24, 2025 4:57 AM in response to fox_m

Hi there, thanks for helping me! The frame rates are all the same. I'm trying to sync the footage before even editing on the timeline so it's not like there are different settings. Maybe I'll try to make the media optimized or into proxies to see if it makes a difference. 🤷‍♀️


Synchronizing clips not working

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