How to transfer iMac OS Mojave (containing Aperture Library) to new iMac? ‘Conflicts Detected’ issue?

Dear Apple Community,

This is a bit of an Odyssey so my apologies. What with one thing or another over the past few years, I have not been able to commit myself seriously to finding a new home for a sizeable Aperture (3) Library which I currently keep on a 2017 iMac, using OS Mojave (10.14.6) and backed up with Time Machine. A couple of weeks ago, however, the ISP anti-virus software update failed the compatibility test saying that it was suitable only for OS 12 or later. So, in the meantime, I have bought a 2020 iMac which came with 2 TB SSD storage and OS Monterey installed on it. The plan is to use - temporarily - the 2017 iMac solely for my Aperture Library while I update my life! to OS Sequoia. 

Realistically, due to the ‘fragile’ state of the Aperture Library, I did not think that transferring my data from the 2017 iMac to the 2020 iMac was going to be as straightforward as any transferring I had done in the past. That said, I imagined that the 32-bit AL would be transferred over as usual but that it would be unusable and so I could delete it after the transfer. As in the past, I used Migration Assistant (this time via Thunderbolt) which divided the data to be transferred in to four folders: Applications, User, Other Files and Folders and System and Network. All four accompanying boxes were ticked and I saw the notice that there were ‘conflicts’ to be fixed. I was instructed to make sure that all the info I wanted transferring had been ticked and to then click on ‘Continue’ which I duly did. I was prepared to let the ‘Getting Started’ stage run for a while on the basis that it would take extra time to process the library but after about nine hours of leaving and returning intermittently to check if it had, I cancelled the process.  

After cancelling, I clicked on the ‘back’ button and noticed a couple of things: i) the ticked Applications folder (1TB) was not openable; ii) the ticked User folder (345 GB) could be opened and this folder contained separate ticked folders for: Applications, Desktop (63 GB), Documents (5 GB), Downloads (11 GB), Dropbox (2 GB) but the ticked Applications folder had no accompanying GB data count.

On Thursday, I contacted the Apple Community after I had copied my Aperture Library back to its default folder; Pictures, from the Library folder in the Macintosh HD location. My question then, to which Neil responded Yes, was whether or not it would be OK to delete the AL in the Library folder. 

This morning, (Saturday), before contacting the Apple Community again, I decided to give migrating one more try. My main observation this time was how the 1TB data count for the Applications folder had dropped to 121 GB. Fair enough, I thought - the AL info calculation being 880 GB – but… I couldn’t see an equivalent increase in data in any other of the four Migration folders. I have checked and the AL is still in there, which, I suppose, begs the question? Is Migration Assistant programmed to detect the Aperture Library and to stop its transfer on to a new(er) iMac?  

About an hour ago, I came across an Apple Community response explaining how the ‘Conflicts Detected’ notification was linked to the account number and password of both computer being identical so I changed the password on the new iMac. However, ‘Conflicts Detected’ notification still persists.    

So, finally! What, mindful of safeguarding my AL, is stopping me transferring the data between the two computers? Thank you.

iMac 27″ 5K, macOS 10.14

Posted on Mar 22, 2025 8:28 AM

15 replies
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Mar 22, 2025 9:59 AM in response to GraeneyMac

Once you get your Aperture library transferred to your new iMac in the Pictures folder (it should not go in your Library folder) you should be able to merge it into a new, empty Photos library with the paid version of PowerPhotos.

A comparison of the Photos import vs PowerPhotos merge follows:

I ran a number of tests with a 3119 photo, 72 video and 97 keyword Photos library with keywords, captions, keywords and locations.  I merged it into an empty library using Photos and PowerPhotos.  This is what I found was imported by each;

PowerPhotos:           Photos:

Albums***                                          -----------

---------------  Folders

Smart Albums (as regular albums)** -----------

Captions                                             Captions

Titles                                                   Titles

Keywords* Keywords (some but not all: …

…see Note *)

Original images                                  Original images

Edited images                                     Edited images

---------------                                        Locations

Favorites                                             Favorites

Can detect and exclude                      Duplicates

duplicates upon import or not

Neither method could import/merge projects. 

Both methods could import older iPhoto libraries into a Photos library when the iPhoto library couldn't be migrated into a Photos library. 


*The Photos app only imported 84 keywords our of 97. PowerPhotos merged 147 keywords. Photos only imported keywords that were embedded in the original file and not those added by Photos. PowerPhotos imported all of them.

**The original library had 90 Smart Albums. All were merged by PowerPhotos but, as indicated above, the Smart albums were brought over as regular albums. No album of any kind were imported by Photos. Also only PowerPhotos imported folders.

The original library had 34 regular albums and 1 folder with some nested albums. PowerPhotos merger all of them successfully.

The original library had 72 videos. Photos imported only 57. PowerPhoto got all 72 in its merge.

The merge doesn't affect the source library (the AL) so if it doesn't go as hoped you can just delete the new library.

Maybe the best way would be to copy the AL to an external drive that is formatted either APFS or Mac OS Extended (journaled), connect it to the new iMac and try the merge from the EHD version of the library.

OR you could use this user provided AppleScript to export all albums to folders with the same name as the album: Export Albums to Folders - Jacques Rioux's Script. However it does not export Smart Albums or Projects. Haven't tried it on an Aperture library as I never used Aperture.


Mar 22, 2025 2:59 PM in response to GraeneyMac

GraeneyMac wrote:

Could you suggest how I can avoid transferring the Aperture Library on to the new computer? Is it the AL which is triggering the 'Conflicts Detected' alert? I would be happy to be able to transfer the data over, minus the AL, but am very hesitant to delete it even though it even though I have backed it up with Time Machine. Thank you.

One way:

  • Get an external drive big enough to hold all of the stuff on your old computer's startup disk.
  • Use Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! to do a full backup of your old computer's startup disk onto the external drive.
  • Delete the copy of the Aperture Library on THAT external drive (but not the copies on your old computer or on its backups).
  • Run Migration Assistant on the new computer, pointing it at the modified CCC/SuperDuper! backup drive in much the same way you would point it at your Time Machine backup.

This avoids deleting any existing copies of your Aperture Library, and you could reuse the external drive to hold a spare copy of your Aperture Library (for safekeeping) once you had finished the migration.

If you will be moving from Aperture to another program (because of the Catalina issue), then I would suggest that you keep at least two copies of your Aperture Library at least until such time as a migration of your photos to the new program (whether that's Photos + an add-on, or something else) is successful.


Mar 22, 2025 9:51 AM in response to GraeneyMac

"the ISP anti-virus software update failed the compatibility test saying that it was suitable only for OS 12 or later"

FYI: Antivirus software on a Mac is not only unnecessary, it tends to be counterproductive.

Remove any 3rd party antivirus software you have installed from your Macs.

macOS has protections built in. Not to mention the fact that there are no known viruses in the wild that can infect macOS.


Mar 22, 2025 10:05 AM in response to GraeneyMac

You cannot transfer macOS Mojave to your new iMac, unless perhaps it is possible to run it in a virtual machine. The iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020) originally shipped with macOS 10.15.6 (Catalina), and cannot run any earlier version.

Catalina removed all support for 32-bit applications, and I believe that Aperture contained some 32-bit code. So you will not be able to run an unmodified copy of Aperture on Catalina.


Mar 24, 2025 5:52 AM in response to GraeneyMac

GraeneyMac wrote:

Is it possible to modify Aperture(3?) from a 32-bit code to a 64-bit code? I have just read quite a bit concerning compatibility with Snow Leopard when it was released.

I haven't heard anything either about Apple reviving Aperture, or about them selling the rights to it to some other outfit that is interested in reviving it. Gong back to the source code to eliminate the 32-bit dependencies and to make changes to support the latest versions macOS would be the ideal way to proceed.

There was a clever hack that could modify a copy of the latest version of Aperture to run on Catalina. I read a description of it once. The people who did it took advantage of some of the internal modularity of the system, things that would not normally be apparent to an end user. They had to break some features of Aperture (e.g., video-related ones). But I believe that much Aperture code was 64-bit; enough to make "saving" the code (in what was a completely unsupported way) possible.

I do not believe Apple would want us giving pointers to this hack here.

Also, from what I saw the other day, even the patched version of Aperture is not compatible with Sequoia. So, even those willing to take a lot of risk may be at a point where they must move on from Aperture – like it or not.


Mar 22, 2025 12:09 PM in response to Old Toad

Thank you very much for such a comprehensive reply. It's good to know about PowerPhotos which is new software to me. I think that I've skewed things by including '(containing Aperture Library)' in the question:

'How to transfer iMac OS Mojave (containing Aperture Library) to new iMac? ‘Conflicts Detected’ issue?'

I am aware of Apple's 64-bit innovation from Catalina on. Could you suggest how I can avoid transferring the Aperture Library on to the new computer? Is it the AL which is triggering the 'Conflicts Detected' alert? I would be happy to be able to transfer the data over minus the AL but am very hesitant to delete it even though it even though I have backed it up with Time Machine.


Mar 22, 2025 12:12 PM in response to Servant of Cats

Thank you very much for your reply. It confirmed what I knew re Catalina onwards. I think that I've skewed things by including '(containing Aperture Library)' in the question:

'How to transfer iMac OS Mojave (containing Aperture Library) to new iMac? ‘Conflicts Detected’ issue?'

I am aware of Apple's 64-bit innovation from Catalina on. Could you suggest how I can avoid transferring the Aperture Library on to the new computer? Is it the AL which is triggering the 'Conflicts Detected' alert? I would be happy to be able to transfer the data over, minus the AL, but am very hesitant to delete it even though it even though I have backed it up with Time Machine. Thank you.


Mar 24, 2025 4:39 AM in response to Servant of Cats


"Catalina removed all support for 32-bit applications, and I believe that Aperture contained some 32-bit code. So you will not be able to run an unmodified copy of Aperture on Catalina."

Is it possible to modify Aperture(3?) from a 32-bit code to a 64-bit code? I have just read quite a bit concerning compatibility with Snow Leopard when it was released.

I thought that I would pass this by you also: rephrasing my original question and posting it on 'Photos', a responder wondered if I was aware of the complete incompatibility of 32-bit applications with 64-bit ones that followed and that if any one of the remaining 32-bit applications could cause migration difficulties, maybe all of them could be triggering the rejection.

Best wishes,


How to transfer iMac OS Mojave (containing Aperture Library) to new iMac? ‘Conflicts Detected’ issue?

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