Final Cut Pro (11.0) Won't Render Video After Exporting
Hello, I am back again... Prior Thread... I am having the same issue again. For the last thread I was able to delete the media I was using, deleted the library, started a new library and imported new media it exported no problem.
I have been rather discouraged and can't get any more videos (using all the clips) to export and render. If I import my media (mix of GoPro footage and livebarn videos) and try to export, it will make it through the export process and then either get stuck in the render, last video kept jumping between 14% and 40% for two hours, or the background tasks will close out but the output destination is empty. Interesting the library balloons in size, one went from 43gb to 200gb roughly after a failed render.
If I only use the footage from my GoPros I can export the movie and it renders no problem. It's only the second media (live barn) that is giving me issues. What makes it more frustrating is that I have previously been able to make videos using the live barn footage and now can not.
I am quite lost and not sure what next steps to try to trouble shoot any of this.
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 15.3