In danger of hijacking the author’s post there are some issues with Firefox Dynasty
MartinR warning, 15 March, about Firefox Dynasty is good for it is sensible that we should always be cautions when using a browser particularly if we are doing internet banking.
Christopher Rigby1 argument is that just because he uses it and it works, it is good. He is merely stating it is functional not necessarily secure.
000’s of users, if that is the case, does not make it secure nor because it is based on someone else’s software that has be changed. (Remains with the same logo etc. which is a bit disconcerting)
He also states “a highly regarded GitHub project by programmers who really do seem to know what
they're talking about”.
Who says it is highly regarded? The developers might know what they’re talking about but that does not make Firefox Dynasty a secure browser.
I have no knowledge of the developers but I hope that greater confidence, with evidence, of Firefox Dynasty integrity can be gained for potentially it is a wonderful project.
The developers have not as far as I am aware showed how Firefox Dynasty is secure both now and into the future to their potential users.
Like MartinR I will not be using it for the time being as the risks at present I perceive are too high. I sincerely hope I can use it, with confidence, in the future.