Bootcamp install messed up partition or ???
I was running bootcamp on my Macbook Air early 2015 (MBA 7.2) but needed more space. So I deleted bootcamp, recovered the free space, upgraded from Mojave to Monterey including the latest updates (last available updates), and upgraded my MBA with a 1TB m.2 NVME SSD. No problem.
Then started Bootcamp Assistent and made a 250 GB Mac partition and a 750 GB W10 partition. Inserted a USD drive with a W10 ISO file and started the process.
That went OL following all steps until the W10 installer question came: where do you want to install windows. It would not let me install it on the W10 partition or format that partition. But I could get it onto
a new Bootcamp partition of 40 GB. I thought, why not, maybe it is supposed to go like this and you can always enlarge that partition later. So installed windows there, all nice and good. Both MAC and Windows work a charm.
However, when I tried to add another partition on the Windows drive to separate W10 and Data, something strange showed up which definitely (as far as I can remember) did not happen 5 years ago with Mojave.
This is the screenshot from Windows Disk Management
From left to right, showed from left to right a 200 MB EFI System Partition, an 891 GB Primary Partition, and the 40 GB Bootcamp mentioning Boot, PageFile, Crash Dump, Basic Data Partition (presumably this is where W10 OS now is). The Bootcamp partition is completely at the end of the drive.
From this, it looks Windows Disk Management has complete access to 930 GB, which is most of the drive, with only 70 GB hidden, which is presumably where the Apple OS is. Definitely not close to the planned 250 GB and 750 GB partition I tried to initiate.
Switching to the Mac OS, Disk Utility showed the following:
Going a step deeper into the container:
And the bootcamp partition:
Looking at Disk Utility, it looks like that partitions are split between 957 GB for Robo (my Mac Account) including the Mac OS and the rest free space and the 42 GB Bootcamp which has the Windows stuff.
This does not make sense to me and definitely is not how it looked with the old original 128 GB Apple drive installed. Can anybody explain this to me please?
Now both Apple and Windows were just installed, did not put data or extra software there, so I can easily delete the Bootcamp and start again, but I would like to understand what happened.
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 12.7