Why is my MacMini always full? System Settings/General/Storage Lies!
System Settings/General/Storage says my Mac Mini has,
Mac HD (int 256Gb) 36.57Gb used of 245.11Gb
JohnD (ext 1Tb) 791.57Gb used of 1Tb
JohnDMacMiniBackup (ext 2Tb) 992.69Gb used of 2Tb
In a terminal window as root,
df -H
<<See Additional text!!! >> ARG this is so frustrating!
I'm also trying du from cron & getting this...
du: /Volumes/JohnD/johnd/Library/Containers/com.apple.mediaanalysisd/Data: Operation not permitted
44K /Volumes/JohnD/johnd/Library/Containers/com.apple.mediaanalysisd
du: /Volumes/JohnD/johnd/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/: Operation not permitted
Needless to say /Volumes/JohnD/johnd/Library/Containers/com.apple.mediaanalysisd/Data is
full of crap I really don't want happening on this machine!!!
Mac mini, macOS 15.2