Let me try:
1) You need to have the developer tools accessible in Terminal. This should be done by running a command in Terminal. Copy and paste the following line into a Terminal window.
xcode-select --install
2) Most open source software can be built from the downloaded source with just 3 commands in Terminal. That is the case with ffmpeg
2a) You should have downloaded a file called ffmpeg-7.1.zip or similar; if it did not automatically expand to create a folder with name ffmpeg-7.1, double-click the file to expand.
2b) In Terminal:
2b-1) Type "cd " WITOUT the quotes but with the trailing SPACE; do NOT press enter
2b-2) Drag the folder from 2a) from the Finder, and drop it on the Terminal window.
[At this point, the Terminal should show
cd /Users/yourname/Downloads/ffmpeg7.1
(where your username should show instead of "yourname", of course)]
2b-3) Press enter
Your Terminal session is now "sitting" at the folder containing the software distribution
2c) Copy and paste each of the following three lines to Terminal. Each may take a while to run.
sudo make install
The last one will ask your for your password, type it and press enter (Note: nothing shows as you type the password, that is normal).
If you succeed in the previous steps, you now have ffmpeg available to you.
You can confirm by typing
which ffmpeg
the output of the last command should now be