Bit Perfect playback Apple Music
I have wanted to switch to Apple Music for a while from Spotify for the excellent Lossless and Hi-Res Lossless files, but I could not believe there was no automatic Sample Rate/ Bit Depth.
Without automatic Sample Rate/ Bit Depth switching (playing Bit Perfect) you are resorted to either play from a phone which requires you buy and external dac, buy a dedicated streamer, or use a low quality Github file that has a huge delay. I have an expensive external dac and even with that there is no exclusive mode!
This is evidently and annoying issue but one which I think really could be easily solved by just adding an exclusive mode. I really shouldn't have to pay for another application (e.g. Roon) to stream music, unless Apple wants to actively drive its highest paying customers away, which I honestly think this feature lack is causing, especially for those who switched and to Apple music for the soul purpose of lossless file - can it really be expected everyone will be playing lossless from an Iphone?
I would like to hope then that this post reaches somebody able action, either official Apple Dev or not becasue currently this is the reason I am not using Apple Music.
If there is a fix that I have not yet mentioned please do let me know, but I really would hope exclusive mode is integrated to solve this issue if not.
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 15.1