Can one bluetooth mouse be used on two computers at the same time?
Searching through other questions about this topic, it seems the answer is no, and my experience kind of says no, but I thought I should confirm, in case there is a workaround.
Why one mouse and two computers?
I generate Keynote shows on an iMac, in the same room as a Mac Mini sitting right next to the projector in our home theatre. The Keynote show, when checked and finished, is sent by Wifi to the Mac Mini via Screen Sharing. The show runs from the Mac Mini, but I want to be able to check that the show runs okay, via Screen Sharing from the iMac. There'd be a lot of wasted "bulb" time if I did everything on the Mac Mini with the projector turned on.
Instead of having two mice and two keyboards, I use just one of each, paired to both machines.
If I turn on the Mac Mini first, the iMac doesn't recognise the mouse or keyboard, so I can't Screen Share.
If I turn on the iMac first, the Mac Mini shows a "no mouse" message. And I can't make it go away unless I plug in a wired mouse and keyboard.
Any way around this dilema other than two mice? Can I tell the Mac Mini to disregard mice and keyboards?
Mac mini