Why can't I increase the number of songs (my music) in a Genius Playlist in Music ver
I have a huge number of Genius Playlists and today I went to refresh one of them. When I did, I noticed that there were only 25 songs in the list and I have always made my Playlists 100 songs long. There is a note in Help in Apple Music saying you can select the number of songs you want from the dropdown. Here is the note:
- Change the maximum number of songs in a Genius Playlist: Click
next to the song total, then choose a number from the pop-up menu.
There is no dropdown nor is there a Song Total where there used to be one. There is one at the bottom of the playlist but it's unclickable.
Does anyone know about this and is there a fix? Am I stuck with the existing playlists I have and only short new ones?
MacBook Pro (2021)