Calculating the CAGR for an investment
I have an investment journal where I enter my investment transactions. I have been using the SUMIF and SUMIFS formulas to provide me with data in my Summary table. Works great. Gives me total shares purchased or received by dividends. Separates the dividend shares purchased from original purchase. Now I am trying to calculate the CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of the investment, and to do this you need the earliest date of the investment in question.
I have tried using LOOKUP, FIND, IF, and none seem to work. The closest to working is the LOOKUP with MIN(DATE) nested within the LOOKUP formula but still misses the point. It will correctly give me the earliest transaction of the matched investment that is the first in my journal, but for the next investment I get an error, could not find requested value. It’s as if the formula is finding the earliest transaction date but it doesn’t match the stock symbol. The first LOOKUP works in the first row of my investments since it happens to be the oldest / longest held stock in my portfolio.
Any Help would be appreciated.
iPad Pro (M4, 2024)