Numbers broken in IOS 18.0 and MacOS 15.0 Sequoia
On Thursday September 26th 2024, I viewed one of my Numbers spreadsheets in iCloud with my iPhone 12 Pro Max running IOS 18.0. For only about 2 or 3 seconds, it correctly displayed 3 adjacent cells (in blue) in the same row as follows:
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Then, AFTER the first 2 or 3 seconds, these 3 cells displayed the Numbers icon for an error in the formula in a cell. Each of these 3 cells contains a formula that refers to the cell in the same column that is 2 rows before it. The error indicator is a red triangle with a white exclamation mark in the middle of the triangle.
In addition, all other cells containing a formula in the same row as these 3 cells (each of which likewise contains a formula that refers to the cell in the same column that is 2 rows before it), plus all other cells containing a formula in the spreadsheet after this row to the end of the spreadsheet, displayed correct results for only about 2 or 3 seconds, before displaying the Numbers error icon in these cells.
This NEVER HAPPENED WITH THE SAME SPREADSHEET when viewing it in iCloud prior to updating my iPhone to IOS 18.0.
I immediately opened the same spreadsheet in iCloud with Numbers on my MacBook Pro running MacOS Catalina Version 10.15.7. The spreadsheet displayed normally and without any Numbers error indicators.
I also immediately opened the same spreadsheet in iCloud with Numbers on my other MacBook Pro running MacOS Sequoia 15.0. In this case, the same problems happened as with viewing this spreadsheet on my iPhone, but far more quickly due to a much faster environment. As a result, when the spreadsheet opened on my MacBook Pro running MacOS Sequoia 15.0 I saw the data in the above three cells for just a fraction of a second, immediately after which Numbers displayed its error icons in these cells.
This NEVER HAPPENED WITH THE SAME SPREADSHEET when viewing it in iCloud prior to updating my other MacBook Pro to MacOS Sequoia 15.0.
These two operating system updates occurred immediately upon being notified by my devices that these updates were available, which happened no more than about 1 week prior to observing these problems on Thursday September 26th 2024.
As a committed Apple aficionado since March 2008, I am aware that Apple typically does not release bug fixes for an operating system update until a minimum of about 3 to 4 weeks after the update first becomes available. Over the years, this seems to have been because it may just simply take about 3 to 4 weeks after product release for bugs to appear “in the wild”. And nothing seems to smoke-out software errors better than use by the end user.
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 18