How to transfer ITunes local library (individual songs) in windows to Iphone without using multiple apps (Apple Music/Apple Devices)
Has anyone figured out how to transfer local (not purchased from apple) music from their windows 10 device to their Iphone (Iphone 14 IOS 17.4.1) in a more streamlined way than importing to Apple Music Microsoft windows store app (version and then using Apple Devices Microsoft windows store app (version to then sync their songs (instead of the old way that worked phenomenally just direct
through ITunes), and be able to sync individual songs instead of an entire artist/album/playlist at a time through Apple Devices? I tried getting assistance from Apple support via the web and went to a genius bar (neither could help because they were unfamiliar with either windows devices or the new method on how to transfer through multiple apps). Please let me know if you need more info or need to clarify anything. hanks!
iPhone 14