Progressive lenses/optical inserts with Apple Vision Pro
I wear progressive prescription glasses. My sight is not good, around 20/400 without glasses. But with my prescription progressive lenses (which, by the way, are made by Zeiss) I get 20/20 correction. Excellent distance and reading vision.
When I first tried the AVP in the store, the pass-through vision was blurry. I chalked this up to not having an exact correction. I bought the AVP anyway, and ordered my Zeiss optical inserts. When they arrived I was very disappointed. The pass-through was not only blurry but distorted -- like a bad correction of progressive lenses. (Anyone who has worn progressives for a long time can remember they used to be pretty bad, and this technology has improved greatly, especially when you get Zeiss lenses.) Walking with the VP on in that situation is tricky.
I typically use my VP in my TV/computer room, which is not well lit. The other day I tried them in my living room, which has a large picture window and lots of bright sun coming in. I found that the pass-through was MUCH better. It doesn't match the clarity/sharpness of my glasses, but the difference was striking. (I've since read that pass-through seems to be a work in progress.)
So what's my question? Is anyone else who wears progressive prescription glasses experiencing the same thing? I'm also not quite certain if the VP interface elements are entirely in focus (perhaps this relates to the Add, the close-up adjustment, of my prescription).
I probably have unreasonable expectations, but I was hoping my vision in the VP would be as sharp and clear as my vision is with my Zeiss progressive glasses (come up, my glasses and the optical inserts are both Zeiss products!).
I know that buying higher quality material in my prescription glasses makes a difference in my vision -- I pay around $400 just for the lenses, not including frames. Maybe Apple/Zeiss aren't using the best quality lens material, in an effort to keep the added cost down? If that's the case, I'd rather pay $300 for optical inserts and get a better corrected experience.