Original HomePod and 2 HomePod Minis will not play together
I just spent over an hour on the phone with Apple support. The problem is I have an original HomePod. I later added another HomePod Mini. They would play together as a set. Or if they didn’t I could tell Siri to play the 2nd one. Then I added a third HomePod mini. Usually no issue. Lately all three of them just randomly stop playing. I can’t handoff either. Sometimes the volume slider in the Apple Music app will not respond on the HomePod and I have to manually adjust the music. I have removed all of them and added them back in. The problem is even worse now. Is there a bug with the latest version of ios16? I can’t even explain how freaking annoying this is!! Once in a while my internet is wonky and goes out but today, all day it was fine and still HomePods are useless!