How to make Siri remember things and get smarter
How to make Siri smarter and remember and how to make it so I don’t have to say hey Siri and how can I change Siri’s name?
iPhone 14 Pro
How to make Siri smarter and remember and how to make it so I don’t have to say hey Siri and how can I change Siri’s name?
iPhone 14 Pro
Apple doesn’t give you the ability to change its name and unless you have raise to speak on your Apple Watch, you need to hold the button or say “Hey Siri”. Siri uses on device intelligence to better answer your questions.
Apple doesn’t give you the ability to change its name and unless you have raise to speak on your Apple Watch, you need to hold the button or say “Hey Siri”. Siri uses on device intelligence to better answer your questions.
How to make Siri remember things and get smarter