What is MK183AE MacBook pro m1 16 inch mean ?
What is MK183AE MacBook pro m1 16 inch means and is there any difference between this model and the current one ?
Should I be worried if I bought it ?
What is MK183AE MacBook pro m1 16 inch means and is there any difference between this model and the current one ?
Should I be worried if I bought it ?
I'm buying it and the seller provided me the name as I wrote it.
it's Arabic \ English keyboard
I'm from Middle East.
I searched about this MK183AE and I found it could be related to part numbers but I'm just concerned if this will effect by any means the performance of the laptop or it's even something to worry about because this will be my first MacBook to have.
Thanks a lot, I checked those information and I understood that this is like an identification of the part numbers of the model itself.
So is there any difference in term of performance between those models or not to ultimately make the best purchase decision to put it in my consideration before purchasing.
Medo_E wrote:
So is there any difference in term of performance between those models or not to ultimately make the best purchase decision to put it in my consideration before purchasing.
The model number you quoted is the current model for the 16”. I’m not certain which models you think you are comparing.
The xx/ in the model number from the Apple support link simply indicates that those letters will vary by country/region.
Medo_E wrote:
So is there any difference in term of performance between those models or not to ultimately make the best purchase decision to put it in my consideration before purchasing.
You can see what this model has for features at
It's up to you to judge whether it meets your performance needs.
From the article linked above.
Does the MacBook Pro you purchased have the features and keyboard you asked for?
why are you concerned in the slightest?
where are you seeing this product number?
What is MK183AE MacBook pro m1 16 inch mean ?