Is it okay to have the "Music Library.musiclibrary" file on an external drive?
~ I had my "Music Library.musiclibrary" located at Home/Music/
-My music files are all stored on an external drive
---The Music app stopped being able to locate my music files (see screen shots).
After hours of trial and error, calling Apple support (that took two hours with no resolution), I moved the "Music Library.musiclibrary" to the external drive, restarted Music (the app) holding the Option key and selected the "Music Library.musiclibrary" on my external drive. Now, the Music app has been able to find my music files.
My questions:
1) Is it okay to have my "Music Library.musiclibrary" file residing on this external drive?
2) What is the ideal file structure for Music to function properly?
(see screen shot for my current file structure)
Mac mini 2018 or later