GmBush Said:
"How to get support: I have zero privacy compromise severely all devices iCloud’s emails being redirected on cloned Microsoft remove the moaning software from my laptops and computers there’s a lot going on for the past three years"
Troubleshooting Hacked Apple ID on a PC:
I. Run Malwarebytes for Windows:
II. Secure your Accounts:
When it comes to Accounts, you should modify the credentials every-so-often, for security purposes. So, what to do...
A. Verify Your Devices:
Verify that your the devices logged in to your account or officially yours, by using this link: Check your Apple ID Device List to See where you're Signed in - Apple Support
B. Consider Modifying your Credentials:
Having been stollen, someone likey has your credentials. So, by all means, consider modifying them, starting with a new password.