How much does it cost to replace the keyboard of my MacBook Pro?
How does it cost the keyboard of my macbook pro 16" 2019 model. (keyboard key broken). Thank you
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How does it cost the keyboard of my macbook pro 16" 2019 model. (keyboard key broken). Thank you
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depending on the issue it might be free, as some Macbooks had keyboard defects in the past.
Check this link: Keyboard Service Program for MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro - Apple Support
Else it might be that they need to swap out the whole top part of the mac as i believe the keyboard and the battery are fused.
Best way to know is to bring it in and let a technician check.
depending on the issue it might be free, as some Macbooks had keyboard defects in the past.
Check this link: Keyboard Service Program for MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro - Apple Support
Else it might be that they need to swap out the whole top part of the mac as i believe the keyboard and the battery are fused.
Best way to know is to bring it in and let a technician check.
I’ve gotten a single key replaced for free at an Apple Store as a courtesy fix. That could be the cheapest option if available. But it could cost a little bit.
Also see the following site and ask about the cost of repairing your MacBook Pro keyboard at your local retail AppleStore Genius Bar or Apple Authorized Service Provider.
Mac Repair - Official Apple Support
Genius Bar Reservation and Apple Support Options - Apple
And check your warranty status if you have AppleCare at following site.;jsessionid=node03az1m67d7q26z108txzh73zl44669752.node0
How much does it cost to replace the keyboard of my MacBook Pro?