AirPods don’t appear on Bluetooth device list, how do I fix it
My AirPods dropped off the Bluetooth list. How do I get them back on!
My AirPods dropped off the Bluetooth list. How do I get them back on!
Have you tried restarting you iPhone? Restarting you iPhone fixes many issues. This may fix your issue. I make it a habit to reboot my iPhone once a week & anytime I have an issue like yours. Remember, it’s a computer; we restart our computers all the time. Why not our handheld computers? Good luck. I hope I helped. -RjWaller
Have you tried restarting you iPhone? Restarting you iPhone fixes many issues. This may fix your issue. I make it a habit to reboot my iPhone once a week & anytime I have an issue like yours. Remember, it’s a computer; we restart our computers all the time. Why not our handheld computers? Good luck. I hope I helped. -RjWaller
Hey Larry, you simply make sure your iPhone is on and you open the AirPods case and hold it close to the iPhone. A wizard will pop up. Simply follow the instructions and you’re set to go! Please let me know if this helps! -Ron (RjWaller)
Hello again,
I have done that several times and nothing happens. What originally happened was the left Pod stopped working so I got a hint from Youtube and I must of done something wrong when I went up on bluetooth and disconnected the Pods. Now they don't show and no wizzard, nothing. I can connect all my other divices. The pod case shows a white light on!
Hey, I forgot to mention that when you have the Pods next to your iPhone you need to press & hold the back button on the AirPods case. Maybe that will fix things. If not, let me know & I will research another fix.
That is a very intresting response. I have 7 other bluetooth items that work just fine, why would I forget them all. Only the left ear pod was not working! Do you really know what you are doing? Umh?
I misunderstood you, Larry. I didn’t know only the left AirPod wasn’t working. Now I’m stuck. I can try to research this, but it sounds like that AirPod might be bad. Again, I am not sure on this.
when my AirPods wouldn’t pair I tried everything I suggested to you and they then paired. But having just one AirPod not pairing… never heard that one before.
you know, you could call Apple Support:
1 (800) 275-2273
As it turns out my I buds were dirty. There was a ear wax build up in the case and they wouldn’t connect. I cleaned the case and the charging connectors on the end of the buds and they instantly were recognised once more by the phone. I hit connect and they were back on the Bluetooth list. Problem solved by YouTube. FYI
Hello RjWaller,
No that did not work. Larry's Ear buds no longer shows. I tried restarting the phone and it did not work. So how do I set up the pods to my phone from the start?
Also Larry, you may want to “forget” all devices & repair everything.
Again I ask the question, How do I get the phone to recognize the I-Pods and get back on my bluetooth list?
lmk when you figure it out cus i have the same problem now 😭 +7708838440
AirPods don’t appear on Bluetooth device list, how do I fix it