Series 7 apple watch
Good evening, I purchased a series 7 Apple Watch at Christmas time! I dropped the watch and the whole back of it smashed! What’s the best way about getting this fixed as it’s very poor quality!
Apple Watch
Good evening, I purchased a series 7 Apple Watch at Christmas time! I dropped the watch and the whole back of it smashed! What’s the best way about getting this fixed as it’s very poor quality!
Apple Watch
I doubt very seriously that it can be fixed. nApple will most likely replace it with an exact refurbished model. For repair & service:
watch Repair - Official Apple Support
watch Service Pricing - Apple Support
I doubt very seriously that it can be fixed. nApple will most likely replace it with an exact refurbished model. For repair & service:
watch Repair - Official Apple Support
watch Service Pricing - Apple Support
How can I put a complaint into apple about a product?
Series 7 apple watch