how can i tell if my iphone x is using 4g?
How can I tell if my iPhone X is using 4g?
How can I tell if my iPhone X is using 4g?
Can you clarify a bit? If your WiFi umbrella has disappeared you will be using cell data. As to what type that differs between cell service providers. If you are not connected to WiFi on your front screen just to the right of the bars it will display 3G (going away soon)/4G/LTE/5Ge
Can you clarify a bit? If your WiFi umbrella has disappeared you will be using cell data. As to what type that differs between cell service providers. If you are not connected to WiFi on your front screen just to the right of the bars it will display 3G (going away soon)/4G/LTE/5Ge
I was just confused because my iPhone X normally displays the WIFI umbrella as you call it when I am at home. When not at home I see LTE.
how can i tell if my iphone x is using 4g?