what model is this MacBook Air?
what model is this MacBook Air?
[Personal Information Edited by Moderator]
what model is this MacBook Air?
[Personal Information Edited by Moderator]
Perhaps better suited without question, information from this resource
may be used to define your 'build model year' of manufacture, MB/Air?
• Identify your MacBook Air model - Apple Support
Each model year presented from recent, back to about 2009 covers
'Tech Specs' -and/or- has 'User Guide' links to Support's database.
Introduction section tells 'how to identify' MacBook Air by common
reference information. And numbers; either on, or inside the Mac..
And MacTracker.ca offers free downloadable database application
which sees occasional updates; w/specs, model, EMC, etc. numbers.
Also, EveryMac site has near every one Apple has ever made, w/ specs.
• Apple MacBook Air Specs (All MacBook Air - Tech Specs) | EveryMac.com
Covers: 2008 to 2020+ M1 MacBook Air 13-inch; w/exception: custom builds.
What did you need to know about your MacBook Air; either 11-inch/13-inch?
Perhaps better suited without question, information from this resource
may be used to define your 'build model year' of manufacture, MB/Air?
• Identify your MacBook Air model - Apple Support
Each model year presented from recent, back to about 2009 covers
'Tech Specs' -and/or- has 'User Guide' links to Support's database.
Introduction section tells 'how to identify' MacBook Air by common
reference information. And numbers; either on, or inside the Mac..
And MacTracker.ca offers free downloadable database application
which sees occasional updates; w/specs, model, EMC, etc. numbers.
Also, EveryMac site has near every one Apple has ever made, w/ specs.
• Apple MacBook Air Specs (All MacBook Air - Tech Specs) | EveryMac.com
Covers: 2008 to 2020+ M1 MacBook Air 13-inch; w/exception: custom builds.
What did you need to know about your MacBook Air; either 11-inch/13-inch?
what model is this MacBook Air?