How long will it take for my refund to enter my bank account
How long will it take for my refund to enter my bank account after it has been approved by Apple?
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14
How long will it take for my refund to enter my bank account after it has been approved by Apple?
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14
45 to 60 days
Wow! That’s such a long time! My child spent £400 on Roblox! I applied for it to come back and they have approved it but I didn’t realise it would take so long to return to my bank! Ahhh!
Yes, it normally takes 45 days. However, if you are lucky you may get it earlier. Had the purchase been made using your Apple ID credit, it would have been credited within 48 hours.
What’s the difference between Apple ID credit and a bank payment?
How long will it take for my refund to enter my bank account