Birthdays show one day late in MacOS, correctly in iOS (synced through Exchange)
Since doing a fresh install of Big Sur, my contact birthdays show one day off (later) in Calendar and Contacts on my MacBook Pro. These are synced with Exchange. On my iPhone (iOS14.7.1) the birthdays are still correct (synced with the same Exchange server) and in Outlook on my Mac (also syncing with the same Exchange server).
From a google search I see that many people have had this issue and it seems unresolved. I did not have it until my MacBookPro had a clean install with Big Sur. Any suggestions on how to solve this are welcome. So far I tried:
- checking the time zone settings; same for iOS and MacOS
- logging out of the exchange calendar account on MacOS and iOS; then logging in again
- adding new contacts on iPhone, MacOS Contacts and Outlook: iPhone and Outlook sync correctly, MacOS Contacts&Calendar is one day off for all. This means: adding a Contact with birthday on Big Sur makes it appear one day earlier on Outlook and iPhone Contacts/Calendar. Adding a contact with birthday through Outlook or iPhone makes it appear one day later on MacOS Contacts/Calendar.
MacBook Pro with Touch Bar