How can I delete “Important Display Message” of my iPhone?
My iPhone 12 Pro Max it’s broken Screen (LCD) and I changed ready. But in setting is show “Important Display Message “
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My iPhone 12 Pro Max it’s broken Screen (LCD) and I changed ready. But in setting is show “Important Display Message “
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nhann160 wrote:
I want to delete important display message out my iphone
Replace the third-party display with an Apple display, or get the Apple display replaced.
Otherwise, that message will be present in perpetuity in Settings, after first also being displayed rather more prominently for a short while.
nhann160 wrote:
I want to delete important display message out my iphone
Replace the third-party display with an Apple display, or get the Apple display replaced.
Otherwise, that message will be present in perpetuity in Settings, after first also being displayed rather more prominently for a short while.
Read the Related Article at the top of this page, where you will find this:
You will see a notification on your Lock screen for the first 4 days that you use your device and in the Settings app for 15 days. After that period, you can find the notification by going to Settings > General > About.
I want to delete important display message out my iphone
So I don’t like this.. pled tell me
If you replaced it with a non-Apple screen you can’t get rid of that reminder. As you can learn be reading the Related Article above your name (that you have already seen).
I want to delete important display message out my iphone
How can I delete “Important Display Message” of my iPhone?