Vanquis BANK
Why i cant Download Vanquis BANK app ?
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 14
Why i cant Download Vanquis BANK app ?
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 14
What happens when you try? Error message(s)? Are you having problems downloading anything else?
See the Apple Support article(s) below.
App Store, iTunes Store, or other Apple services - If you can't connect
Some things you can try. Do you have access to another WiFi network where you can try? That has worked for several people.
Try a restart.
Restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Try a forced restart.
What happens when you try? Error message(s)? Are you having problems downloading anything else?
See the Apple Support article(s) below.
App Store, iTunes Store, or other Apple services - If you can't connect
Some things you can try. Do you have access to another WiFi network where you can try? That has worked for several people.
Try a restart.
Restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Try a forced restart.
Vanquis BANK