Do I need service appointment for Battery Replacement?
iPhone Batter Health = Service
Can I drop off at an Apple Store for Battery Replacement w/o an appointment?
iPhone Batter Health = Service
Can I drop off at an Apple Store for Battery Replacement w/o an appointment?
In the current climate I would schedule an appointment by calling or with the Apple Support app to avoid disappointment.
In the current climate I would schedule an appointment by calling or with the Apple Support app to avoid disappointment.
Confirmed with Apple support chat. Must book Genius appointment, even if the problem is just battery replacement. Worth doing chat before Genius appointment b/c chat can do remote diagnostics to confirm it is bad battery and not another problem. Probably will still have to repeat diagnostics at Genius appointment, but for me it's nice to be 95% sure that the issue is only battery replacement before making the trip to the Store.
Thanks, to LD150
You’re welcome
Do I need service appointment for Battery Replacement?