Apple Podcast
Trying to set up an apple podcast without installing iTunes how do I do this?
Trying to set up an apple podcast without installing iTunes how do I do this?
You have to be signed in in iTunes (or Apple Music on Catalina), have a pahyment method registered there, and thje computer must be authorised to play iTunes purchases. If you are on Windows you will need to download iTunes. If you are on a Chromebook you can't proceed.
You have to be signed in in iTunes (or Apple Music on Catalina), have a pahyment method registered there, and thje computer must be authorised to play iTunes purchases. If you are on Windows you will need to download iTunes. If you are on a Chromebook you can't proceed.
Is there a way to do it online without installing iTunes?
You have to go to Podcasts Connect and it won't let you proceed unless you are signed in in itunes (Jor Apple Music) as I listed above. I can see no workaround for this.
Apple Podcast