Hi my screen is cracked and it says it's covered by warranty still in the settings can this be fixed
Hi my screen is cracked and it says it's covered by warranty still in the settings can this be fixed
Your iPad limited warranty does not, in general, cover any screen damage - except in those situations where a manufacturing defect can be proven.
You might be best advised to seek assistance from the Genius Bar at your local Apple Store - where your iPad can be assessed by the technicians.
Your iPad limited warranty does not, in general, cover any screen damage - except in those situations where a manufacturing defect can be proven.
You might be best advised to seek assistance from the Genius Bar at your local Apple Store - where your iPad can be assessed by the technicians.
If you did NOT purchase, paid extended, two-year AppleCare+, then you have NO warranty coverage for a cracked sceen that was caused by accidental/incidental causes.
The standard, free, one-year AppleCare ( NO + ) only covers manufacturing issues/defects.
Unless you can prove the cracked screen was caused by a manufacturing defect/issue, and you did NOT purchase, the extended, two-year AppleCare+ warranty protection plan, be prepared for an expensive repair/replacement device.
The U.S. repair/replacement costs, WITHOUT tax, are listed here.
iPad Repair - Official Apple Support
Good Luck to You!